Monday, August 22, 2016

Banana Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Egg Rolls

12 Egg Roll Wrappers
3 Bananas - Cut in half in the middle, then cut in half horizontal 
1/2 Cut Chocolate Chips
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter - Warmed
Canola / Vegetable Oil - About 2 cups

Lay the egg roll wrapper on the counter.  Wet the edges w/ water using a pastry brush.  If you don't have a pastry brush, just use your fingers.  Place the 1/4 banana in the lower section of the egg roll.  Drizzle w/ the peanut butter and sprinkle w/ a few chocolate chips.

Fold the left and right side of the egg roll in over the banana.  Wet the new sides of the egg roll and tightly roll up like a burrito.  Place on a cookie sheet lined w/ wax paper and sprayed w/ cooking spray.

In a heavy bottomed pan or dutch oven or cast iron skillet, heat the oil to 350 degrees.  Place the egg rolls in the oil seam side down.  Do not crowd the pan.  I did 4-5 each batch.  

They fry fast, about 20 seconds each side.  Fry until golden brown then transfer to a wire rack or cookie sheet lined w/ paper towels.  They can keep warm in the oven on your low setting or serve right away.

Perfect to make with your children, for parties or even served cold.

#foodie  #cheftainment

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